
Action Please By: April 11/April 25
To: Members & Subscribers
From:National Office
Date:March 19, 1997
Subject: 2ND NOTICE -- 1997 National Environmental Policy
Reference:MU 97-7

AMSA's 1997 National Environmental Policy Forum & 27th Annual Meeting. . .

The Clean Water Act:
Ensuring a Second Quarter Century of Success

AMSA's upcoming 1997 National Environmental Policy Forum & 27th Annual Meeting will highlight the past successes of the Clean Water Act , as well as its future challenges. The May 3-7 Forum will focus on the core concerns of AMSA member agencies -- in Washington, DC -- where national environmental legislation is crafted and regulatory policy is made. The program includes both legislative and regulatory perspectives, features key policy makers, and will offer plenty of opportunity for interaction.

PLEASE NOTE: The Forum agenda which follows updates the preliminary program provided via Member Update 97-5. It has undergone significant revision. Please review committee meeting times as well as key program additions and plan now to attend this important meeting.

Program Highlights

Two Perspectives -- Looking Ahead to the Next Quarter Century of Clean Water Improvement
Bob Perciasepe, Assistant Administrator for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Thomas Hebert, Deputy Under Secretary, Natural Resources & Environment, U.S. Department of Agriculture provide their perspective.

Keynotes By. . .
The Honorable John Chafee
Chair, Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
The Honorable Sherwood Boehlert
Chair, Water Resources & Environment Subcommittee
House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
Sharon Newsome, Associate Director
President's Commission on Risk Assessment & Risk Management

Privatization Forum -- Municipal Finance & Management Developments

Overview of New Treasury Regulations
House Appropriations Committee's Interest in Public-Private Partnerships as a
Funding Source
EPA's Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities
Recapitalization Case Study -- Cranston, Rhode Island

Regulatory Initiative & Developments
EPA officials from the Office of Reinvention, Office of Wastewater Management, Office of Science & Technology, Office of Oceans, Wetlands & Watersheds and Office of Groundwater & Drinking Water share recent developments and initiatives.

Regulatory Roundtables Key EPA program staff address your questions, concerns and priorities.

Capitol Hill Visits and Reception Attended by Members of Congress

Commissioners' Luncheon

AMSA Special Committee Meetings
Saturday, May 3

2:00 - 3:30Comprehensive Watershed Management Committee
3:30 - 5:00Facilities Financing Committee
3:30 - 5:00Air Quality Committee

Sunday, May 4

9:00 - 10:30Pretreatment & Hazardous Waste Committee
10:30 - 12:00Wet Weather Issues Committee

Special Committee Meetings (cont.)
Sunday, May 4

1:00 - 2:30Biosolids Management Committee
2:30 - 4:00Water Quality Committee

Monday, May 5

7:30 - 9:00Regulatory Policy Committee

Tuesday, May 6

7:30 - 9:00Legislative Policy Committee

Please make your hotel reservations and register for the meeting now using the attached information and registration form -- and note the following critical deadlines:

April 11, 1997Cut-off date to receive AMSA Group Rate at the ANA Hotel
April 25, 1997 AMSA Advance Registration Cut-off

We look forward to seeing you in Washington!