Attachment C - Committee Meeting Agendas
Comprehensive Watershed Management Committee
Blake Anderson, Co-Chair
Paul Thormodsgard, Co-Chair
Saturday, May 3, 1997
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Sulgrave Room
The ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks - Paul Thormodsgard
II. AMSA Legislative Amendments - Paula Dannenfeldt
III. Source Water Protection - Buddy Morgan
IV. TMDLs Reinvention Efforts/Federal Advisory Committee - Cheryl
V. Development of Watershed Alternative Strategy/Policy - Buddy
Morgan - EPA Urban Wet Weather Flows Advisory Committee
VI. New Business
VII. Adjourn
Wet Weather Issues Committee
Buddy Morgan, Chair
Cathryn Collis, Vice Chair
May 4, 1997
10:30 - 12:00 a.m.
Sulgrave Room
ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions - Buddy Morgan
II. Stormwater Phase II Regulatory Development Update - Ray Orvin
III. EPA's Sanitary Sewer Overflow Advisory Subcommittee - Buddy
Morgan EPA Progress - Kevin Weiss (EPA) Next Steps
IV. EPA's Urban Wet Weather Flows Advisory Committee Update -
Buddy Morgan
- Water Quality Standards Discussions
- Watershed Policy Alternative
V. Proposed CSO Permit Negotiation Workshop - Michele Plá
VI. New Business
VII. Adjourn
Facilities Financing Committee
Jon Schellpfeffer, Chair
Chuck Etwert, Vice Chair
May 3, 1997
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Sulgrave Room
ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions - Jon Schellpfeffer
II. Privatization Activities Update
III. Membership Needs Assessment of AMSA Index and Financial Survey
- Mark Hoeke
IV. Schedule For 1997 AMSA Index - Jon Schellpfeffer
V. Financial Survey - Brian Crewdson / Jon Schellpfeffer
- Assessment of Current Survey Form and Data Utility
- Incorporation of Staffing/Salary/Benefits Information
- Standardized Benchmarking Information
- Next Steps
VI. New Business
VII. Adjourn
Water Quality Committee
Robert Berger, Chair
Norm LeBlanc, Vice Chair
Sunday, May 4, 1997
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Dumbarton Room
ANA Hotel
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions
II. AMSA Comments on EPA Draft WET Implementation Strategy
III. Water Quality Standards Revisions (ANPRM) Update
IV. EPA Proposed Part 136 Analytical Test Procedures Streamlining
V. Essential Fish Habitat Guidance by National Marine Fisheries
VI. New Business
VII. Adjourn
Biosolids Management Committee
Cecil Lue-Hing, Chair
Robert Dominak, Vice Chair
Sunday, May 4, 1997
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Sulgrave Room
ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions
II. EPA Biosolids Workgroup on Pathogens - Bill Telliard (EPA)
III. Incineration Workgroup Issues - Dominak
IV. Land-Based Issues - Lue-Hing
V. H.R. 289 Proposed Bill to Label Food Products Grown in Biosolids
VI. National Biosolids Stakeholders Meeting on May 15-16 - Hadeed
VII. National Beneficial Use of Biosolids Survey Report - Hadeed
VIII. NRC-EPA-AMSA-WEF Meeting on POTW Radionucleide in Biosolids
Survey - Hadeed
IX. New Business
X. Adjourn
Air Quality Committee
Ed Torres, Co-Chair
Dave Zenz, Co-Chair
Saturday, May 3, 1997
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Dumbarton Room
ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions
II. MACT Standard Development
III. Section 129 Proposed Rulemaking for Biosolids Incinerators
IV. AMSA Comments on EPA Proposed Regulation on Ozone/Particulate
V. ICCR Coordinating Committee Activities
VI. AMSA Survey to Collect Emissions Data from Combustion Devices
VII. POTW Model Risk Management Plan Development
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjourn
Pretreatment & Hazardous Waste Committee
Guy Aydlett, Chair
Margaret Nellor, Vice Chair
Sunday, May 4, 1997
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Sulgrave Room
ANA Hotel
Washington, DC
I. Welcoming Remarks/Introductions
II. EPA Common Sense Initiative Update
III. Effluent Guidelines & Task Force Update
IV. Pretreatment Streamlining Initiatives
V. AMSA Performance Measures Study Report/Reinvention Concept
VI. AMSA-Silver Council CMP Demonstration Project Update
VII. 1997 AMSA-EPA Pretreatment Coordinators Workshop
VIII. AMSA Report on Toxic Release Inventory
IX. U.S. PIRG Report "Dirty Water Scoundrels"
X. EPA National Local Government Environmental Assistance Network
XI. New Business
XII. Adjourn