Action Please By: April 10, 1998
To: Members & Affiliates From: National Office Date: March 20, 1998 Subject: DEVELOPMENT OF AMSA INDEX OF WASTEWATER PRODUCTS/SERVICES Reference: MU 98-6 Over the past year, AMSA, with approval from the Board of Directors, has been working cooperatively with a software development firm, Engineered Design Information (EDI), to develop a specialized information service to support the wastewater treatment industry. The service will include a readily accessible and searchable database of products, services, manufacturers, and service providers available to wastewater treatment practitioners. The database will be offered through an index that will be available on the Internet via AMSA's World Wide Web Homepage. The Index will provide managers, design engineers, and purchasing agents with up-to-date, detailed information about products and services that are required to support wastewater agency operations and maintenance.
As a free, on-line database and library, the Index will be easier to access, search, and cross-reference than any resource currently available. The Index will have the capability to display information such as company background, equipment specifications, drawings, references, and photographs from participating suppliers.
Collecting the data required to support the Index will be a continuous process, and the goal is to make the database as comprehensive as possible. Initially, however, EDI would like to concentrate on building the database of products and suppliers that AMSA members have the most interest in using.
Please help us in the development of the Index by completing the attached survey. The survey will help EDI better understand how AMSA's members will use the Index and what types of products and services are most valuable to include in the initial phase of Index development. AMSA and EDI will hold individual responses in confidence, and the data collected by this survey will not be sold or given to any third parties, although aggregated data may be presented to suppliers to encourage their participation.
Please return the completed survey form to the National Office via fax at 202/260-4657, by April 10, 1998.
ATTACHMENT: Survey of Information Needs for the Purchase of Wastewater Equipment/Services