To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: April 30, 1999
Subject: AMSA's 1999 National Environmental Policy Forum & 29th Annual Meeting – Membership Meeting Materials
Reference: MU 99-5

Membership Meeting Materials
AMSA's 1999 National Environmental Policy Forum &
29th Annual Meeting
May 22-26, 1999
Marriott at Metro Center
Washington, DC

AMSA's 1999 National Environmental Policy Forum & 29th Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching. Enclosed are your membership materials for the meeting and a final program containing important information on scheduled activities. Included in this Member Update are the following:

Attachment A: PROXY
The agenda for AMSA's 1999 Annual Business Meeting contains many important items including amendments to AMSA's Bylaws. Members unable to attend the Policy Forum are urged to complete the proxy form under Attachment A. Please forward your completed proxy to the National Office by May 17, 1999.
Registration information follows the final meeting program. If you have not yet made your hotel reservations, we encourage you do so as soon as possible. Remember hotel space fills up quickly in Washington, DC in May, so it is imperative that you act now. A list of alternate hotels is also attached for your convenience when making your travel plans. Public member agencies are encouraged to ask for a “government rate” when making reservations at alternate hotels. Please contact Linda Lohneis at AMSA's National Office at 202/833-8418 or if you have any trouble making hotel reservations or have any questions regarding meeting registration and activities.
All of AMSA's Special Committees will meet during the Policy Forum. The agendas for each committee are provided under Attachment C.
Attachment D: (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this attachment) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO AMSA'S BYLAWS
Proposed amendments to AMSA's Bylaws are contained in Attachment D. The proposed amendments culminate many months of consideration by AMSA's Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Directors. Members are encouraged to review the amendments prior to the Policy Forum.
Attachment E: (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this attachment) PROPOSED 1999-2000 POSITION STATEMENTS
AMSA's Position Statements provide specific, action-oriented statements on issues of particular importance to the Association. A number of the 1998-1999 Statements have been revised and updated, and three new Position Statements addressing mercury, endangered species and nutrients have been added. The 1999-2000 Position Statements will be presented for membership approval during the May Policy Forum.

Thank you for your attention to these materials. We look forward to seeing you in May in Washington!