AMSA Member Update (MU03-22)
To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: November 14, 2003
Reference: MU 03-22

Action Please By:
November 26, 2003

AMSA invites and encourages you to play an important role in planning for the future of our Association – and the clean water community as whole – by completing its Member Needs Assessment without delay.

The Association, under the direction of its Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Directors, is currently undertaking a significant and comprehensive strategic planning process focused on positioning the organization to lead our industry and to respond to your needs and expectations. The eight-month, multi-faceted effort has the overall goal of creating a strategic direction for AMSA that provides a focused operational strategy for the short-term – and a longer-term vision positioning the organization for future success.

The first step in the Strategic Planning Initiative is an Assessment of Member Needs & Satisfaction. Through a quantitative web-based and hard-copy survey, and focused set of approximately 25 qualitative telephone interviews, the results of the Member Needs Assessment will serve as an important resource for a facilitated strategic planning session slated for February. The session will be followed by an assessment of current programs, services, and activities, and an additional session to create strategies and discuss outcomes. The process concludes with a plan implementation and action planning session.

We encourage all members – Public Agencies, Public Affiliates and Private Affiliates – to take the approximately 15 minutes required to complete the Member Needs Assessment Survey today. An online version of the survey can be found at or by clicking on the link on the home page of AMSA’s web site ( To facilitate the tabulation of responses, we urge you to complete the survey online by November 26, 2003. AMSA members who prefer to respond in hard copy will have the opportunity to do so in the near future (with an extended response date). All responses are anonymous and confidential, and will be handled as such by Tecker Consultants, the firm AMSA has engaged to assist us in this effort.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact AMSA’s Deputy Executive Director, Paula Dannenfeldt, at or 202/833-4654. Thank you, in advance, for your important contribution to this effort.