AMSA Member Update (MU05-04)

To: Members & Affiliates*
From: National Office
Date: March 14, 2005
Reference: MU 05-04

* This Member Update Provided to Affiliates for Information Only

Action Please By:
April 8, 2005

Under the AMSA Bylaws, the term of office for twelve Board Members will expire at the annual meeting this May. The Board Members from Regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are eligible for re-election in May. Two additional seats in Regions 5 and 8 are also open through resignations. One additional seat, in Region 9, is open through retirement, with one year remaining in the current term.

The Board Members up for re-election and the vacant seats are as follows:

Region 1
Richard Seymour – Eligible for Re-election
City of Nashua Division of Public Works, NH

Region 2
Vacant Seat – Three year term

Region 4
Billy Turner – Eligible for Re-election
Columbus Water Works, GA

Ray T. Orvin – Eligible for Re-election
Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority, SC

Region 5
William B. Schatz – Eligible for Re-election
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, OH

Vacant Seat – Two year term

Region 6
Larry Patterson – Eligible for Re-election
Upper Trinity Regional Water District, TX

Region 7
Franklyn Pogge – Eligible for Re-election
Kansas City Water Department, MO

Region 8
Steve Pearlman – Eligible for Re-election
Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, CO

Vacant Seat – One year term

Region 9
Christopher M. Westhoff – Eligible for Re-election
City of Los Angeles, CA

David R. Williams – Eligible for Re-election
East Bay Municipal Utility District, CA

Vacant Seat – One year term

Region 10
Donald Theiler – Eligible for Re-election
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, WA

Mark A. Yeager – Eligible for Re-election
City of Albany, OR

At-Large Seats Also Open For Nomination
Recently adopted amendments to the Association’s Bylaws provide for the Board of Directors to include up to three at-large seats, to which Association members may be appointed. In the case of at-large seats, candidates will be solicited, reviewed and recommended by the Nominating (Directors) Committee. Appointments will be made by the President and confirmed by the Board of Directors. All appointments to at-large seats will be staggered, with all appointees eligible to serve three full three-year terms.

It is the objective of the Board of Directors that the Association’s leadership reflects diversity with regard to sex, race and national origin. Those individuals who have been designated as the agency's representative to the Association are eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Factors for Consideration
Included among the factors to be considered when placing your name, or that of another Member Agency representative, into nomination are the history of the member agency’s active participation in AMSA activities; the ability, both in schedule and economics, of the nominee to travel; the role of the member agency’s federal elected officials in national legislative process; and, for regional nominees only, whether the nominee is representative of geographical diversity within the Region.

Please also note the following specific duties and responsibilities of the Board as you consider potential nominees:

Nomination Process
For Region-Based Board Seats
- In order to be considered by the Nominating Committee for a region-based Board seat, nominees must personally express a willingness to serve and have a minimum of two AMSA members from their region support their nomination in writing. Thus, an individual desiring to be on the Board may nominate themselves, but must solicit the support of two other member agencies from their region. If, as a result of nominations, there are two or more members from a region meeting the qualifications, the Nominating Committee will oversee a vote of regional AMSA members. The Committee will report nominations to the entire membership for election at the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in May.

For At-Large Seats - Member Agency representatives may nominate themselves or be nominated by another Member Agency representative for appointment to an at-large Board seat. Nominations must be in writing and include a statement describing the candidate’s qualifications to serve based upon the factors for consideration provided previously in this Member Update.

The Role of the Nominating (Directors) Committee
The role of the Nominating (Directors) Committee is to actively solicit nominations for new regional, at-large, or vacant Board seats; certify the eligibility of the nominated candidates; and subsequently nominate member agency representatives for appointment or election to the Board.

Please forward a copy of your nominations to Chris Westhoff, Chair of the Nominating Committee (Directors), and Ken Kirk, AMSA’s Executive Director, no later than Friday, April 8, 2005.

Chris Westhoff, Assistant City Attorney
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
200 North Main Street, Room 700
Los Angeles, CA 90012
FAX: 213/978-8211
Ken Kirk, Executive Director
1816 Jefferson Place NW
 Washington, DC 20036-5302
 FAX: 202/833-3743

For your information, a list of the current Board of Directors and the Nominating (Directors) Committee is attached, in addition to a list of AMSA’s membership grouped by region. If you need additional information or assistance, please contact Chris Westhoff, Nominating Committee Chair, at 213/978-8158, or, Ken Kirk, Executive Director of AMSA, at 202/833-4653.

