NACWA Member Update (MU06-18)

To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: October 17, 2006


Reference: MU 06-18

Action Please By:
As Soon as Possible but no Later than November 20, 2006

Join NACWA in Kansas City — Help Shape the Association’s Strategic Watershed Agenda
NACWA is seeking your participation in an important meeting, NACWA’s Strategic Watershed Agenda . . . an Action Planning Session, which will take place on December 12, from 8:00am-3:00pm at the Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Mo. The members-only meeting will be free of charge and offers a unique opportunity for participants to share their insights, opinions, and experiences in a targeted effort to help shape the Association’s advocacy agenda for 2007 on a suite of increasingly critical, emerging watershed-based issues. The Action Planning Session will be preceded by a December 11 Welcoming Reception, so please be sure to save these dates today.

The issue areas which will be the focus of the Action Planning Session include:

At NACWA’s recent September Leadership Retreat, the Association’s Board of Directors and Committee Leaders called for this Action Planning Session as a unique opportunity to have members brainstorm and provide strategic input into real-world actions the Association can take to help shape this suite of emerging issues. These issues are also at the heart of NACWA’s Strategic Plan, a document that reflects the priority concerns of the Association’s public clean water agency members. Additionally, with Congressional elections just around the corner and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) focus on these issues only heightening, NACWA believes now is the time to develop an action plan that will position the clean water community to shape their direction and outcome.

Please Register for the Action Planning Session as Soon as Possible!
Attendance capacity for this meeting will be limited, so NACWA asks that you register as soon as possible and not later than November 20, which is the deadline for NACWA’s special room rate of $125 at the Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza. Again, registration is complimentary and can be filled out online at NACWA’s Conferences & Meetings webpage ( Hotel reservations at the Marriott can be made by calling 1-816-531-3000 and please make sure you let the hotel know you will be attending the NACWA meeting. Finally, if you have any questions or comments regarding the Action Planning Session, please contact NACWA’s Adam Krantz at 202/833-4651 or