
Member Pipeline - Member Services & Information - Update (MU07-09)

To: Members & Affiliates*
From: National Office
Date: June 12, 2007


Reference: MU 07-09

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Application Deadline:
August 17, 2007

NACWA is now accepting applications for the 2007 Excellence in Management Recognition Program. The Excellence in Management Program was launched in 2003 to acknowledge the significant achievements of NACWA member agencies in the utility management arena. This program honors member agencies that have implemented and sustained, for a continuous three-year period, successful programs that address the range of management challenges faced by public clean water utilities in today’s competitive environment.

Recently, NACWA restructured the Excellence in Management Award application to reflect the Findings and Recommendations for a Water Utility Sector Management Strategy. This report was prepared by an Effective Utility Management Steering Committee. This steering committee was comprised of the following cooperating organizations, the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies; the American Public Works Association; the American Water Works Association; the National Association of Clean Water Agencies; the National Association of Water Companies; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and the Water Environment Federation. Its intent was to “produce a joint strategy to identify, encourage, and recognize excellence in water and wastewater utility management.” The Steering Committee’s collaboration resulted in the identification of specific attributes of an effectively managed utility. These Attributes mirror the objectives of NACWA’s Excellence in Management Program and have been incorporated in the 2007application process.

This Member Update provides all the information that you will need to submit an application for the 2007 Excellence in Management Program. Included for your reference is information on program eligibility, selection considerations and application submission guidelines. The application deadline is August 17, 2007.

Who Should Apply for Recognition?
All NACWA member public utilities (both wastewater treatment facilities and conveyance systems) that can demonstrate continuous improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery during the previous three-year period are eligible to apply for Excellence in Management recognition. Additionally, agencies receiving Excellence in Management recognition in 2004 are now eligible to re-apply.

What Types of Programs and Activities Are Recognized?
Excellence in Management application submissions should be for programs that move beyond an agency’s “everyday” best practices to exemplify a truly effectively managed utility. Programs should demonstrate the utility’s focus and commitment to management improvement opportunities. Proactive utility management initiatives that exhibit continuous improvements over a three year period in such areas as product quality; customer satisfaction; employee and leadership development; operational optimization; financial viability; infrastructure stability; operational resiliency; community sustainability; water resource adequacy; and/or stakeholder understanding and support are eligible for recognition.

How Does My Agency Apply?
Agencies may submit Excellence in Management applications by mailing the application package to NACWA’s National Office, ATTN: Kelly Brocato, Director Membership Development, 1816 Jefferson Place, NW, Washington, DC 20036 or submit it electronically to Applications are due August 17, 2007.

The Excellence in Management Application is included with this Member Update but may also be downloaded from the NACWA website, Submissions must include the following:

  1. Completed Application Entry Form
  2. Two Page Narrative Program Description
  3. Metrics & Measures Supplemental Spreadsheet
  4. Program Timeline
  5. Additional Supporting Information Form

Applications should not exceed six pages. Additional materials will not be accepted for review by the Committee.

How Will Honorees Be Selected for Recognition?
Each Excellence in Management Program application will be reviewed by NACWA’s Awards Committee in September. The Excellence in Management recognition program is non-competitive. Each nomination is judged individually and all worthy nominations will receive recognition.

Get Recognized — Apply Today!
NACWA would like to acknowledge our member agencies that epitomize excellence in clean water utility management. It is through the Excellence in Management Program, that we celebrate those innovative programs and initiatives that have been successfully implemented, and that characterize your agency as the visionary and results-oriented leaders we know you are – apply today!

Excellence in Management honorees will be recognized during NACWA’s management-focused 2008 Winter Conference, to be held February 5 – 8, 2008, at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs in Phoenix, Arizona. Honorees will be presented with a Certificate of Recognition recognizing their efforts.

Please contact Kelly Brocato, Director of Membership Development at NACWA’s National Office, phone: 202/833-1449 or e-mail: with any questions.




* This Member Update is provided to Affiliate Members for information only.