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Anne Arundel Honored For Anti-Pollution Efforts
Baltimore Business Journal 6/20/2003

Anne Arundel County received two anti-pollution awards for its five-year total compliance with federal pollution guidelines, the county announced Thursday.

The Association of Metropolitan Sewer Agencies gave the county two Platinum Awards for its perfect anti-pollution record at the Cox Creek and Maryland City wastewater plants. This is the second time the two facilities have won the award, which means the two facilities have had a perfect record for 10 years.

"We work extremely hard to achieve a level of success that far exceed minimum environmental standards," County Executive Janet S. Owens said in a statement. "These awards are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our DPW management and staff."

The Broadneck and Broadwater facilities also received awards for their 100 percent compliance to guidelines for the year.