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Clean Water Report
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Monday, July 26, 2004
ISSN: 0009-8620; Volume 42; Issue 15
Congress to Upgrade Sewer Systems to Avoid
Overflows During Rainstorms
(Grant Authorization)
Wastewater treatment operators could get additional funding for combined
sewer systems and separate sewer systems if Congress adopts legislation that
would reauthorize grants for sewers. The House Water Resources and Environment
Subcommittee of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee heard testimony
July 8 on H.R. 784, which would reauthorize grants to fix overflow problems. The
subcommittee also heard testimony on H.R. 4470, a bill to reauthorize Lake
Pontchartrain Basin Restoration; H.R. 4688, a bill to reauthorize the Chesapeake
Bay Program; and H.R. 4731, a bill to reauthorize the National Estuary Program.
Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.) introduced H.R. 784 to help communities deal with the
cost of repairing sewer infrastructure. Camp hopes to prevent pollution levels
that were in the waterways prior to the 1970s.
"This legislation would be the first ounce of prevention well worth a pound of
cure. By helping communities repair leaking and broken sewer pipes, we can
sharply reduce the number of beach closures, ensure cleaner drinking water and
prevent water pollution in rivers, lakes and coastal waters," Camp told CWR.
Funding Gap Grows
Proponents of the legislation hope EPA will fund the wet weather program and
help defray costs of projects. A wastewater funding gap remains a challenge for
sewerage agencies, said Paul Pinault, past president of Association of
Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies.
EPA estimates that $50.68 billion is needed immediately to control sewer
overflows in 772 combined sewer communities, Pinault told CWR.
"H.R. 784 constitutes an important statement from Congress. H.R. 784 shows that
Congress understands the challenges the nation's public wastewater treatment
facilities face."
Supporters of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration, the Chesapeake Bay
Program and the National Estuary Program pointed to the successes of each
program. The National Estuary Program provides a front-line response to the
pressures on the coastal ecosystems, said Richard Ribb, vice chairman for the
Organizational Affairs Committee for the Association of National Estuary
Lake Pontchartrain restoration must have full funding of $100 million, said Rep.
David Vitter (RLa.). Future funding should be used to construct inflow and
infiltration projects.
The Pontchartrain Restoration Program addresses increased pollution problems in
growing areas, according to the Carlton Dufrechou, executive director of the
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. The program also provides technical
assistance and should be funded.
Similar arguments were touted for the Chesapeake Bay Program. The subcommittee
voted July 15 to pass all these bills and one to reauthorize beach cleanup of
the Tijuana River Valley.