
Clean Water Advocacy Newsroom

Clean Water Advocacy - Newsroom - AMSA in the News

Free Software Available for Assessing Wastewater System Vulnerability
A new software program known as the Vulnerability Self-Assessment Software Tool (VSAT) is now available for public wastewater utilities. Funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and developed by the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Consulting Group and SCIENTECH, Inc., this tool can help wastewater utilities analyze how vulnerable they are to both intentional threats and natural disasters.

VSAT organizes data, supports and documents vulnerability analyses, and presents complex information in an easy-to-understand format for the full suite of potential utility assets including physical plant, employees, knowledge base, information technology, and customers. The software tool includes reference libraries of both potential threats and counter-measures, and provides a method for managing the information generated by security vulnerability assessments.

The software is available free of charge to all public wastewater utilities. VSAT training opportunities are slated to begin in August 2002. Visit for more information or to request a copy of the VSAT wastewater software.