Clean Water Advocacy - Newsroom - AMSA in the News
Senate Committee OKs Fund to Help Sewer Districts Improve Systems
Sept. 24 -- The Senate Appropriations Committee has unanimously approved an
appropriations package that includes full funding for the Clean Water State
Revolving Fund.
The bill includes $1.35 billion for the fund for fiscal year 2005, compared with
only $850 million approved by the House Appropriations Committee.
The Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies and environmentalists support
the higher funding level to help local sewer districts pay for improvements to
reduce overflows and pollution.
"It is critical now for the full Senate to carry these efforts forward and
assure this minimum funding in the final bill," said Betsy Otto, senior policy
director for American Rivers, an advocacy group.
"Restoring federal funding for this popular and effective program is a win for
the environment, the economy and public health," said Wesley Warren, advocacy
director for the Natural Resources Defense Council. "Now it´s time for the House
to prove its commitment to ensuring clean water, healthy communities and jobs."