
Clean Water Advocacy Newsroom

Clean Water Advocacy - Newsroom - NACWA in the News

Champion Elected to Head Water Issues

D. ChampionThe director of Independence's water pollution control effort was elected to head the National Association of Clean Water Agencies.

At its annual conference in Seattle, Dick Champion, Independence Water Pollution Control director, was elected by his peers to head the organization, which lobbies for clean water standards and assists state and the federal governments in creating clean water legislation.

Champion, who started his career in pollution control in 1969, has been the director of Independence Water Pollution Control since 1983. His department oversees the Sanitary Sewer Utility, Stormwater Management and Household Hazardous Waste programs.

Champion is also a member of the Jackson County Executive Legislature, which is assigned the task of creating a regional sewer system for all of Jackson County.

The NACWA represents 360 public agencies. Its members oversee, treat and reclaim more than 18 billion gallons of wastewater a day nationwide.

Missouri Route 210 to go one lane