Date |
Item |
Description |
12/15 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Comments on September 18, 2000 EPA Notice to Regulate Chlorine Gas Use in Water and
Wastewater Treatment as a Registered Use Pesticide (PDF ~414 KB) |
12/14 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Comments on Draft EPA Reference Dose Document for Methylmercury (>PDF ~191 KB) |
12/14 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA Comments on
Draft Outline for Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology Guidance (PDF ~479
KB) |
12/12 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA Comments on
Draft EPA Guidance for Implementation and Use of EPA Method 1631 >(PDF ~293 KB) |
12/12 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA concurs with the UWAG and
Western Coalition of Arid States comments and the Preliminary Report: Interlaboratory
Variability Study of EPA Short-Term Chronic and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Methods
(PDF ~119 KB) |
11/15 |
EPA Correspondence |
EPA Response to AMSA's letter on
TMDL Interim Guidance (PDF ~176 KB)
-> Link to 9/22
letter to Chuck Fox (PDF ~1,018 KB) |
10/31 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA's Comments on
EPA Region IV Proposed TMDLs for Mercury for the Ochlocknee, Satilla and Suwwanee River
Basins (PDF ~ 413 KB) |
9/25 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA Comments on
Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual - Rivers & Streams (PDF ~1,356) |
9/22 |
AMSA Correspondence |
to Assistant Administrator for EPA on the EPA TMDL Interim Guidance (PDF ~1,018 KB) |
9/19 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to EPA Assistant
Administrator for Water on resolving the issue of "blending" peak wet weather
flows (PDF ~223 KB) |
9/8 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA Comments
on the EPA draft Plan of Action for Reducing, Mitigating, and Controlling Hypoxia in
the Northern Gulf of Mexico (PDF ~359 KB) |
8/14 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter from AMSA
and WEF to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the outcome of the
AMSA called meeting re: Hazard Identification of Class B biosolids (PDF ~392 KB) |
7/25 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health requesting a meeting on the newly introduced Hazard
Identification Report on Class B biosolids (PDF ~232 KB) |
7/24 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA's Comments on nutrient
criteria technical guidance manual - Lakes and Reservoirs, First Edition (PDF ~606 KB) |
7/6 |
AMSA Correspondence |
to Administrator Browner in support of the finalization of the TMDL rule (PDF ~161 KB) |
6/13 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to EPA
in support of the National Tank Truck Carriers Incorporated comments on Transportation
Equipment Cleaning Point Source Category (PDF ~171 KB) |
6/6 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to Conservation Law
Foundation, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, Sierra
Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth on their opposition to EPA's
TMDL program (PDF ~1,009 KB) |
5/26 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to EPA on prioritizing
Nutrient Criteria Development (PDF ~601 KB) |
5/15 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA comments on
draft implementation guidance for ambient water quality criteria for bacteria (PDF
~521 KB) |
5/5 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to
EPA on the finding of additional testing on POTWs sampled for the EPA document Analytical
Survey of Nine POTWs from the Great Lakes Basin (PDF ~1,767 KB) |
5/1 |
EPA Document |
Statement of the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency
Addressing Agricultural and Silvicultural Issues Within EPA Revisions to TMDL and NPDES
Rules |
4/15 |
AMSA Correspondence |
AMSA's Comments on the Draft
Memorandum of Agreement between the EPA, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine
Fisheries Service Regarding Enhanced Coordination Under the Clean Water Act and Endangered
Species Act (PDF ~286 KB) |
3/15 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to US EPA
Administrator Carol Browner on AMSA's Concerns Over EPA's Decision to Launch a Municipal
Enforcement Initiative Targeting SSOs (PDF) |
3/23 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Comments to the December 23, 1999 Proposed Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewerage
Sludge (i.e., Biosolids) Concerning Dioxin, Dibenzofurans and Dioxin-like Coplanar PCBs
(PDF ~2,229 KB) |
3/3 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter of petition to EPA to
conduct a formal rulemaking for mercury method 245.7 (PDF ~206 KB) |
1/28 |
AMSA Correspondence |
Letter to
Administrator Browner on AMSA's support of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program
(PDF ~1,109) |