AMSA Regulatory Alert (RA 02-3)
To: Members & Affiliates, and Pretreatment & Hazardous Waste Committee
From: National Office
Date: January 28, 2002
Reference: RA 02-3
In 2000, AMSA and The Silver Council, an organization that promotes environmentally sound and equitable methods of handling silver resulting from photographic processes, jointly developed the Code of Management Practices for Silver Dischargers (Silver CMP). The Silver CMP is an EPA-recognized best management practices program designed to help POTWs reduce silver loadings to their headworks with only a modest investment of resources. Developed to target discharges of silver from image processors (e.g., photo, X-ray) that may otherwise not be covered under a POTW's pretreatment program, the Silver CMP, where it has been implemented, has achieved load reductions of 20% - 40%, and for some agencies, reductions of over 60% have been realized. To date, the program has been adopted by more than 35 cities across the United States.
In conjunction with the Hampton Roads Sanitation District and The Silver Council, the Photo Marketing Association International (PMA) has recently developed an implementation kit to assist wastewater agencies in adopting the Silver CMP.
The Code of Management Practice for Silver Dischargers Implementation Kit provides all the necessary information and planning tools that a wastewater treatment agency needs to implement the Silver CMP in their service area. The heart of the kit is a CD-ROM-based program that includes an interactive planning timeline, sample documents used to promote the program and notify the affected users, listings and procedures to contact associations, implementation support information and insights, and pre-programmed educational presentations. The kit also includes copies of all the reference materials necessary to introduce the Silver CMP to wastewater authority personnel and to assist them in the implementation of educational workshops for dischargers.
To obtain a copy of the Implementation Kit please contact Jen Burke, AMSA at 202/533-1801 or, or the PMA Environmental Activities Department at 517-788-8100 or via e-mail at Copies of the Silver CMP can be obtained from The Silver Council at