Member Pipeline - Regulatory - Alert (RA 00-6)
Members & Affiliates
Biosolids Management CommitteeFrom:
National Office
February 15, 2000
National Biosolids Partnership Annual Report & U.S. Conference of Mayors Dioxin Reports
RA 00-6
AMSA's National Office is pleased to make available to the membership a copy of the National Biosolids Partnership's 1999 - 2000 Annual Report. As you will surmise from the report, the Partnership continues to take a leadership role in promoting sound and sustainable biosolids programs designed to gain public confidence in local communities. The Partnership, an alliance of AMSA, the Water Environment Federation (WEF), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has made considerable progress toward the development and implementation of environmental management systems (EMS) for biosolids.
To ensure that the Partnership's efforts continue, AMSA and WEF have formally requested that Congress appropriate $1.3 million in the FY 2001 budget for the National Biosolids Partnership. AMSA's request was transmitted on February 7, 2000 and was signed by the AMSA Executive Board and agency members in attendance at the AMSA Winter Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The National Office has also requested that members request support for Partnership funding through letter, fax, or electronic mail to your Congressional delegation as soon as possible (see Legislative Alert 00-02). AMSA has developed a sample letter for your use which is available in MS Word and Word Perfect formats on AMSA's website, Congressional Connection also on AMSA's website can help you find detailed contact information for your Congressional District. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Schaner, AMSA 202/296-9836.
U.S. Conference of Mayors - Dioxin Reports
The U.S. Conference of Mayors has made available two reports developed by its Urban Water Council concerning biosolids dioxin levels and potential exposures posed by biosolids land application. The first report, Potential Sources of Dioxins in Biosolids, identifies and summarizes the international scientific literature on the sources of dioxins and furans in biosolids. The report identifies four major sources of dioxins in biosolids, including: 1) industrial discharges; 2) runoff (including atmospheric deposition); 3) household wastewater; and, 4) formation within the treatment works. The report estimates that contributions from each source to dioxin loadings can vary widely and presents a range of percentage contributions cited in literature studies.The second report, Biosolids Land Application - The Dioxin Situation assesses potential increased exposures related to land application of biosolids and examines historical trends in dioxin concentrations in biosolids. Based on available data, the report surmises that levels of dioxin in biosolids have been declining for some time. In addition, the report concludes that potential human exposure through dietary intake of food and through beef and diary products are likely to be low or neglible in many cases. The report is currently listed on EPA's public docket for the December 23, 1999 proposed revisions to 40 CFR Part 503. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact the U.S. Conference of Mayors at 202/293-7330.
EPA to Extend Proposed Round II Part 503 Public Comment Period
EPA will be extending the public comment period on its December 23, 1999 proposed revisions to Part 503 Standards for the Use or Disposal of Biosolids (Standards for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds) for an additional 30 days to March 23, 2000. The Federal Register will notice this comment period extension within the next week. AMSA plans to submit comprehensive member comments on the proposal. For more information, please contact: Mark Hoeke, AMSA 202/833-9106.Attachments:
National Bioslids Partnership's 1999-2000 Annual Report(PDF format)
For this downloadable file, you must have the Acrobat Reader. If you don't have the Acrobat Reader, click on the icon below to download a copy. After you download and install a copy, return to this page and click on the link above for the downloadable file.
Potential Sources of Dioxins in Biosolids, USCM Urban Water Council, June 1999 (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document) Land Application - The Dioxin Situation, USCM Urban Water Council, June 1999 (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document)