Member Pipeline - Regulatory - Alert (RA 02-21)
To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: November 20, 2002
Reference: RA 02-21
Action Please By:
As Soon As Possible
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Science and Technology is seeking the assistance of AMSA member agency laboratories to validate analytical methods for the measurement of certain biosolids parameters. Initially begun in 1997, EPA's validation efforts have been postponed until now due to resource constraints. In the past, AMSA has provided support regarding method selection, identification of appropriate matrices, and coordination of biosolids workgroup activities. EPA's efforts over the past four months to solicit laboratories to participate in the validation study have turned up only a few volunteers. EPA has asked AMSA to help the Agency solicit additional volunteer laboratories to participate in the study.
EPA hopes to identify a minimum of eight (8) qualified, volunteer laboratories for each method. Each laboratory may choose to participate in the validation of any or all of several draft methods (see attachment). A paid referee laboratory will collect, analyze, and prepare biosolids samples of known composition and distribute samples to participating laboratories for analysis using the study methods. In addition to sample analyses, participating laboratories will also be required to prepare and analyze all quality control samples and follow all procedures included in the methods. Analytical results generated by the participating labs will be used to develop method performance specifications for each method, and draft methods will be finalized based on the results of the study.
EPA had planned to begin the study in September 2002. However, several of the volunteer laboratories that have already agreed to participate have indicated that the January/February 2003 timeframe would be preferred due to a reduced laboratory work load during those months. Depending on whether EPA can recruit the requisite number of laboratories, the Agency is now targeting the January/February timeframe to begin the study.
Interested AMSA member laboratories should complete the attached form and return it to the study coordinator, Michael Eldert, by email at, or fax at 703/461-8056. If you decide to participate, as a courtesy, please let Chris Hornback, AMSA, know of your decision at 202/833-9106 or If you have additional questions please contact Chris, or Michael Eldert by email or at 703/461-2308.
Attachment - Interlaboratory Validation Study (.pdf, 2,760 KB)