Member Pipeline - Regulatory - Alert (RA 03-05)
To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: March 13, 2003
Reference: RA 03-05
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting nominations for their 2003 Clean Water Act Recognition Awards. The awards recognize municipalities and industries for outstanding and innovative technological achievements in wastewater treatment and pollution abatement programs. Recognition Awards are given in the following categories: outstanding operations and maintenance at wastewater treatment facilities; biosolids exemplary management; pretreatment program excellence; outstanding storm water management; and, combined sewer overflow control program excellence. The awards are intended to educate the public about the contributions wastewater treatment facilities make to clean water; to encourage public support for municipal and industrial efforts in effective wastewater management, biosolids disposal and reuse, and wet weather pollution control; and, to recognize communities that use innovative practices to meet Clean Water Act permitting requirements.
AMSA has consistently been a strong supporter of this program for recognizing the excellent work of Association members in enhancing the nation’s water quality. AMSA encourages its members to apply for the 2003 Clean Water Act Recognition Awards by EPA’s deadline of May 30, 2003. The 2003 Clean Water Act Recognition Award recipients will be recognized at the Water Environment Federation’s Technical Conference (WEFTEC) in Los Angeles, Calif., in October 2003 and the pretreatment winners will receive special recognition at AMSA’s Pretreatment Coordinators Workshop in Seattle, Wash., in November 2003. Applications and nomination information can be found on EPA’s web site at For additional information contact Maria E. Campbell, National Awards Program Coordinator, EPA, at 202/564-0628 or