To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: October 22, 1997 Re: RA 97-25 EPA's Draft Strategy For Strengthening Nps Management
On October 14, EPA officially released the attached draft strategy titled, "Nonpoint Sources: Picking Up the Pace --- EPA's Draft Proposal Strategy for Strengthening Nonpoint Source Management." The strategy presents an overall vision that "all States and Tribes, with active assistance and participation of all stakeholders, are implementing dynamic and effective nonpoint source programs to achieve and maintain beneficial uses of water by the year 2013."
The draft strategy was released at a two-day meeting of stakeholders from leading state, federal, local and private sector groups at Wye River Island, Maryland to promote the successful implementation of nonpoint source programs. The meeting and the draft strategy are both part of a recently initiated collaborative process by EPA and the States to engage other watershed stakeholders interests with the hope of improving nonpoint source control programs nationwide.
Highlights of some key programs and activities either ongoing or proposed include: 1) development of nutrient water quality standards; 2) strengthening EPA's anti-degradation policy; 3) developing air deposition reduction strategies; 4) promotion of State enforcement tools; 4) strengthening NPDES regulations for animal waste discharges; 5) strengthening urban runoff controls (through implementation of Stormwater Phase II program); and 6) revision of regulations or guidance regarding State certification for activities on Federal lands.
AMSA has been engaged in several of the programs and initiatives which are discussed in the draft strategy, such as participation in EPA's Stormwater Phase II Advisory Committee, and Total Maximum Daily Loads Advisory Committee. Both AMSA's Watershed Workgroup and Legislative Working Group on Watershed Management are reviewing the drafts for additional opportunities for AMSA involvement or influence. AMSA will also be assessing how the nonpoint source strategy relates to a newly released clean water initiative from the Office of the Vice President calling for "a comprehensive approach to water quality at all levels of government" and the call for development of an intra-agency Action Plan to address protection of public health, prevention of polluted runoff, and promotion of community-based watershed management (see Regulatory Alert RA 97-24). If you have any questions, please contact Mark Hoeke, AMSA 202/833-9106 or mhoeke@amsa-cleanwater.org
ATTACHMENT: Nonpoint Sources: Picking Up the Pace --- EPA's Draft Proposal Strategy for Strengthening Nonpoint Source Management (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document).