To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: April 15, 1997 Re: RA 97-8 CSO Financial Capability & Schedule Development Guidance - Final
Attached is EPA's recently completed guidance document titled, "CSO Guidance for Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development." Because of the potential use or reference of this guidance in EPA's developing SSO policy, the National Office has distributed this final CSO guidance to all AMSA members. AMSA provided comments on the draft version of this document on May 15, 1996.
If you have any questions, please call Ross Brennan, EPA 202/260-6928, or Mark Hoeke, AMSA 202/833-9106.
(For a copy of this document, please call AMSA’s National Office at (202)833-AMSA)
- CSO Guidance for Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development