Members, Affiliates
National Office
August 31, 1998
RA 98-19
On August 18, 1998, EPA announced the publication and request for comment on its “1998 Update of Ambient Water Criteria for Ammonia.”
The document contains revisions to EPA's recommended ammonia criteria for the protection of freshwater aquatic life. Attached is a copy of the document, the notice, and a fact sheet on the revisions. Although EPA is requesting comment, the criteria contained within the document constitute the Agency's current recommended Section 304(a)(1) criteria, and will continue to serve as such until EPA publishes a revision. While welcoming all comments, EPA especially solicits additional data on the chronic toxicity of ammonia to aquatic life; comments on the interpretation of data on ammonia-sensitive species such as fingernail clam, rainbow trout, bluegill, and Hyalella; field data relevant to effects and effect concentrations of ammonia under summer and winter conditions; and comments on the cold-season policy presented above. Based on its assessment of public comments and other available information, EPA will either publish a revision to the guidance or will publish a notice indicating its decision not to revise.
EPA is requesting written comments be submitted by October 2, 1998. If you have significant concerns with the newly revised criteria, please contact Mark Hoeke, AMSA, e-mail at 202/833-9106 to discuss submittal of comments via AMSA’s Water Quality Committee.
ATTACHMENT: Fact Sheet August 1998 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia