Action Please By: February 27,1998
To: Members & Subscribers
From: National Office Date: January 14, 1997 Re: RA 98-2 Proposed Stormwater Phase II Rule
On January 9th, EPA published the proposed stormwater Phase II rule in the Federal Register. Attached is a summary and full Federal Register version of the proposal. The proposed rule would require smaller municipalities within urbanized areas to obtain NPDES permit coverage for stormwater discharges by May 31, 2002, develop a stormwater management program, and implement a mix of best management practices to "reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable and protect water quality."EPA is seeking comment on the proposed rule from interested stakeholders. AMSA's Stormwater Workgroup requests that interested AMSA members review the draft framework and submit comments to the AMSA National Office. The workgroup and other interested AMSA members will compile the collective member comments into a comprehensive response to EPA. If you are interested in providing comment on this draft document, please submit your comments to the National Office no later than February 27, 1998. If you have any questions, please call Mark Hoeke at (202) 833-9106 or e-mail at It is requested that any comments more than 2-pages in length be submitted electronically or on floppy diskette. If you are interested in assisting in the final review of the AMSA comments prior to submittal to EPA, please contact Mark Hoeke, or indicate your interest on your comments to the National Office.
EPA is holding public meetings to explain its phase II proposal, as well as public hearings to obtain public comment, in six locations as indicated below (see attached rule for location and times):
Washington, DC - February 23, 1998 Boston, MA - February 25, 1998 Atlanta, GA - February 27, 1998 Chicago, IL - March 2, 1998 Dallas, TX - March 4, 1998 San Francisco, CA - March 6, 1998
- Summary of Proposed Stormwater Phase II Rule (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document).
- January 9, 1998 Federal Register notice, Stormwater Phase II Proposed Rule (Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document or visit the Code of Federal Regulations web site at to download an electronic copy)