Member Pipeline - Regulatory - Alert (RA 99-17)
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National Office
August 10, 1999
Final NPDES Permit Application Requirements for POTWs
RA 99-17
On August 4, 1999, EPA published final changes to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements and application forms for POTWs and treatment works treating domestic sewage (TWTDS), i.e., facilities that generate sewage sludge or effectively change its pollutant characteristics as well as facilities that control its disposal. The changes consolidate POTW application requirements, including information regarding toxics monitoring, whole effluent toxicity testing, industrial user and hazardous waste contributions, and sewer collection system overflows. The most significant revisions require toxic monitoring by major POTWs (and other pretreatment POTWs) and limited pollutant monitoring by minor POTWs.
Who is covered?
All existing and new POTWs must submit required data as specified in revised 40 CFR Part 122.21(j) with their permit applications. All TWTDS must submit required data as specified in revised 40 CFR Part 122.21(q) with their permit applications. Applicants for EPA-issued permits must submit applications on an EPA permit application form (2A or 2S). Applicants for State-issued permits must use State forms which must require at a minimum, the information listed in 40 CFR Part 122.21.Form 2A and 2S
EPA has developed Form 2A to replace existing Standard Form A and Short Form A. Form 2A must be used by permit applicants in non-NPDES delegated states. Form 2S replaces the existing Interim Sewage Sludge Form. Form 2S is similar to the Interim Sewage Sludge Form but requires less information.More Information
A copy of the revised regulations and permit requirements are attached. For a copy of the rule preamble or the new EPA Form 2A or 2S, please contact Robin Davis, AMSA at 202/833-3820 or download using the links below. Electronic copies of Form 2A and 2S will be available on the EPA Office of Wastewater Management home page at EPA plans to provide a word wizard of the form which should be available within the next few weeks.Attachments:
August 4, 1999 Federal Register Notice of EPA's Final NPDES Permit Application Requirements for POTWs For this downloadable file, you must have the Acrobat Reader. If you don't have the Acrobat Reader, click on the icon below to download a copy. After you download and install a copy, return to this page and click on the link above for the downloadable file.