Facilities Financing Issues
Checklist Companion Report Released in Orlando
AMSA's Privatization Workgroup has compiled a companion report
to the highly successful, "Evaluating Privatization: An AMSA
Checklist." The new publication, titled, "Managed Competition:
Developing and Responding to RFQs & RFPs," was recently
released during the Association's February 1997 Winter Conference,
Evaluating Privatization II: Reinventing Clean Water Services
in a Competitive Environment. The report addresses
necessary preparation for managed competition and relationships
with elected officials, employees, the public and the media.
It also examines the development of RFQs/RFPs, responding to RFQs/RFPs,
and evaluating offers. CONTACT: Christy Kettell, AMSA (202) 833-3692.
AMSA's 1996 Financial Survey to be Released March 10
AMSA's Facilities Financing Committee has completed its analysis
of data submitted in response to the AMSA Financial Survey.
This survey is intended to provide the membership with information
on trends in agency financing, expenditures, needs, and rates
nationwide. The final report will be distributed to the membership
on March 10,1997. CONTACTS: Brian Crewdson, Anchorage Water
and Wastewater Utility (907) 786-5511, or Mark Hoeke, AMSA (202)
AMSA 1997 Winter Conference
Over 350 registrants attended AMSA's 1997 Winter Conference,
"Evaluating Privatization II: Reinventing Clean Water Services
in a Competitive Environment," on February 4-7, in Orlando,
Florida. Highlights of the Conference included breakout sessions
on Case Studies in Reengineering, the release of AMSA's most recent
publication, "Managed Competition: Developing & Responding
to RFQ's & RFP's, and a keynote address from renowned speaker
Ron Archer on "Peak Performance under Peak Pressure."
Audio tapes of the workshop are available for $9.95/tape or $199.95
for the complete set of tapes and free album. The tape order form
will be distributed to the membership via AMSA's March Clean Water
News. To order, contact Magna Media at (407) 351-1110.
AMSA's 1996 Service Charge Index Survey
AMSA's Facilities Financing Committee has recently completed compilation
of the 1996 residential service charge information and computed
the new AMSA index for 1996. The AMSA Index measures the year-to-year
percent change in residential sewer service charges based on the
responses of AMSA member agencies in each EPA Region. The AMSA
Index has tracked the national trends in residential service charges
from 1995 onward. The 1996 AMSA Index value of 205.2 reflects
the responses of 140 AMSA agencies serving a combined population
of over 91 million. This year's AMSA Index increased only 2.5%,
the first time that an annual increase has dipped below the rate
of inflation. The Index shows a 51% increase since 1990, approximately
2.6 times the rate of inflation. Results of the 1996 Survey will
be presented in the March issue of AMSA's Clean Water News and
in the 1996 AMSA Financial Survey. CONTACT: Mark Hoeke, AMSA
(202) 833-9106.
Related Items of Interest
On February 6, 1997, President Clinton recommended Congress
give EPA $7.6 billion for fiscal year 1998, an increase of 12
percent over the agency's 1997 enacted budget. The budget for
municipal financing is:
FY 1997 Enacted Appropriation | FY 1998 President's | Budget |
Municipal Financing | ||
Title VI SRF | 625.00 | 1,075.00 |
Special CWA Grant Projects | 336.00 | 278.00 |
Drinking Water SRF | 1,275.00 | 725.00 |
TOTAL | 2,236.00 | 2,078.00 |
The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) recently submitted
a report to Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Ca), Chairman, Subcommittee on
VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations,
titled, "Clean Water Act: State Revolving Fund Loan to Improve
Water Quality (GAO/RCED-97-19)." The report was complied
to collect detailed information on selected states' use of their
revolving funds. Nine states were surveyed, including: Arizona,
Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
and Texas . Findings of the report include: the total amount
of funds lent increased from $3.3 billion in 1995 to $4.0 billion
in 1996 for the nine states surveyed; all nine states increased
the amounts they lent; and, state officials identified the experience
of authorizing legislative, as well as federal requirements as
affecting the amount and percentage of funds lent. Copies of
the report may be obtained from GAO at (202) 512-6000.