Financing & Management
NDWAC Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Working Group
Background: Under the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC), EPA has formed a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Working Group to help identify issues and make recommendations to EPA on implementation of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program.
Status: The next Working Group meeting is scheduled for December 4-5, 1997 in Washington, D.C. CONTACT: Rick Naylor, U.S. EPA 202/260-5135 or Christy Kettell, AMSA 202/833-9106.
AMSA Competitiveness Report
Background: AMSA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) have joined to produce a new publication, Thinking, Getting & Staying Competitive: A Public Sector Handbook. The Handbook will serve as a companion piece to AMSAs previously released, "Evaluating Privatization: An AMSA Checklist," and "Managed Competition: Developing and Responding to RFQs & RFPs." The Handbook is being developed under the guidance of AMSAs Competitiveness Workgroup and will be released during AMSAs 1998 Winter Conference, Thinking, Getting & Staying Competitive, February 3-6, in San Antonio, TX. The Handbook will illustrate a "how to" approach to becoming competitive by highlighting proven strategies for becoming competitive and profiling several utilities that have developed these strategies.
Status: Members of the Competitiveness Workgroup met on October 28 in Washington, DC for a day long review session of the new publication. Workgroup members and other interested AMSA members will have an additional opportunity to review the final draft of the Handbook in mid-November. If you are interested in reviewing the publication, and are not a member of the Competitiveness Workgroup, please contact Christy Kettell at the National Office (202/833-3692; Following the release of the Handbook in February, AMSA and AMWA will sponsor eight "how to" workshops based on the publication. The workshops will feature both panel and interactive sessions and will provide members and non-members alike with the opportunity to network with water and wastewater officials in their regions. The day and a half long workshops are currently scheduled to be held in the following cities in 1998: April 21-22, Providence, RI; April 23-24, Philadelphia, PA; June 2-3, San Francisco, CA; June 4-5, Los Angeles, CA; September 15-16, Chicago; September 17-18, Kansas City, MO; November 17-18, Atlanta, GA; November 18-19, Houston, TX. CONTACT: Christy Kettell, AMSA 202/833-3692.
Related Items of Interest
The Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) is sponsoring their sixth annual National Workshop for State Revolving Loan Fund Managers from November 16-18, 1998, in Atlanta, GA. The workshop is designed to provide information and training for state SRF program managers, and will focus this year on the implementation of the new SRF for safe drinking water facility loans, and changes and innovations in wastewater project financing,. For more information, call 202/371-9694.