
AMSA Clean Water Bookstore - Publications List

AMSA Clean Water Bookstore

AMSA publishes numerous specialty publications. Individual copies of all publications are provided to members free of charge. Additional copies are available at nominal cost or free. Please see the order form for pricing.

Continual Improvement in Utility Management: A Framework for IntegrationNEW —
AMSA's latest publication, Continual Improvement in Utility Management: A Framework for Integration, is available here.


Pre-Order Now —
The Changing Workforce - Crisis & Opportunity
is a collaborative effort between AMSA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA). This new publication examines the increasing demand for qualified, skilled employees increasing while the supply for these resources is decreasing.
$30 for advance copies
. Pre-Order now. Available on April 1, 2004.



Wet Weather Consent Decrees - An AMSA Handbook (2003)
Protecting POTWs in Negotiations.
Created as a unique resource for the growing number of POTWs facing negotiations and litigation with the federal or state governments regarding combined and sanitary sewer overflow issues, the Handbook covers key issues that municipal attorneys, managers, and staff may wish to consider before, during, and after wet weather negotiations. The Handbook covers topics such as strategies to maintain municipal autonomy, leveraging POTW expertise in negotiations, and techniques to integrate legal obligations and deadlines into daily municipal operations. To complement the Handbook, the more than 30 municipal wet weather decrees and orders discussed in the Handbook are posted on AMSA’s website as a reference library.
$50 each for members
; $75 each for non-members. Order now.



The Vulnerability Self Assessment Software Tool (VSAT) provides a comprehensive, intuitive system for wastewater utilities seeking to analyze their vulnerability to both intentional threats and natural disasters. VSAT™ organizes data, supports vulnerability analyses, documents the analyses, and presents complex information in an easy-to-understand format for the full suite of potential utility assets including physical plant, employees, knowledge base, information technology, and customers. This invaluable software tool includes reference libraries of both potential threats and countermeasures, and provides an enduring method for managing the information generated by security vulnerability assessments.
(CD-ROM; 2002) Free. Order now.

Protecting Wastewater Infrastructure Assets . . .
ABV ChecklistAsset Based Vulnerability Checklist for Wastewater Utilities
Wastewater utility mangers across the United States are struggling with the needs thrust upon them by the tragic events of September 11th. To meet the needs of the wastewater treatment community, AMSA has developed the Protecting Wastewater Infrastructure Assets. . . Asset Based Vulnerability Checklist for Wastewater Utilities, which was specifically designed to help utility managers and their staffs identify and evaluate a wide range of vulnerabilities that could place their assets – physical plant, people, knowledge base, information technology, and customers – in jeopardy. The Checklist is meant to stimulate thought and discussion, covering issues related to security such as computer hacking, vandalism and more severe events like natural disasters and terrorist activity. The Asset Based Vulnerability Checklist for Wastewater Utilities can be downloaded free of charge from AMSA’s web site,, or purchased in hard copy form.
(48 Pages; 2002) $10 per copy. Order now.


Protecting Wastewater Infrastructure Assets . . .
Legal Issues ChecklistLegal Issues in a Time of Crisis Checklist
Protecting Wastewater Infrastructure Assets. . . Legal Issues in a Time of Crisis Checklist assists municipal wastewater treatment agencies in assessing legal issues that may arise in the wake of a crisis event. This document also will be helpful for municipal wastewater treatment agencies in overall crisis management planning, prevention, and response activities. The Legal Issues in a Time of Crisis Checklist is intended to provide general assistance in issue spotting and suggestions, where they exist, on legal precedents.
(60 Pages; 2002) $40 per copy. Order now.


Competitive Management Publications

Continual Improvement in Utility Management: A Framework for IntegrationNew Publication —
Continual Improvement in Utility Management: A Framework for Integration
Continual Improvement in Utility Management: A Framework for Integration, a guide developed under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and addressing the need to improve utility performance through more effective application and integration of management tools has just been released. Click here for more information.
(128 Pages) Free Download in PDF (.pdf, 1.01 MB) and MS-Word (.doc, 1.35 MB).

The Changing Workforce - Crisis & Opportunity — Pre-Order Now!
A collaborative effort between AMSA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA), this new publication examines the increasing demand for qualified, skilled employees increasing while the supply for these resources is decreasing. What began initially as a gradual change has accelerated in the past five years. What is the change and what is causing the change? What happens when a keystone worker, or a slew of workers, leaves? The workforce is gradually reaching retirement age and utilities are offering incentives to their staff to take early retirement. As the workforce retires and leaves the public sector, the staff take along a remarkable wealth of operational and maintenance knowledge and information. How can your utility compete? $30 for advance copies. Pre-Order now.

Evaluating Privatization II
An AMSA/AMWA Checklist
Evaluating Privatization II
updates and expands the content of Evaluating Privatization: An AMSA Checklist, published by AMSA in 1996. In addition to providing information on developments occurring since 1996, this new publication incorporates the issues and implication for public drinking water utilities along with those of public wastewater utilities featured in the initial publication. (56 Pages) $30 per copy. Order now.


Public vs. Private: Comparing the Costs
Public vs. Private: Comparing the Costs
provides an in-depth examination of specific processes and results of managed competitions between public providers and private firms and complements the content of the AMSA/AMWA publication, Evaluating Privatization II. This publication is must for public water and wastewater decision makers as they evaluate the merits of public utility management and operation alternatives and, ultimately select the best course of action. (36 Pages) $25 per copy. Order now.

Package Price!
Buy Public vs. Private and Evaluating Privatization II together for $50.
Order Both Now.


Managing Public Infrastructure Assets To Minimize Cost and Maximize Performance (Asset Management Handbook)
Managing Public Infrastructure Assets to Minimize Cost and Maximize Performance
establishes an understanding of asset management principles and program benefits, navigates impending financial reporting regulations and assists public water and wastewater utilities with the development of asset management programs. This publication is the resource on this important issue and an invaluable handbook for all water and wastewater utility managers!
(212 Pages) $45 per copy. Order now.



Optimizing Public Agency Purchasing Power
(6 pages; 2001) Free for AMSA members. Order now.   Non-members have to order at

Creating High Performance Business Services: A Public Sector Handbook
This handbook breaks new ground in competitive management by enlisting the efforts of municipal business support services in enhancing the competitiveness of public utilities. Although these services often lie outside of the utility's control, they are essential to efficient operation.
(148 pages; 1999) $45 each (Contact the National Office for multiple copy purchase pricing.) Order now.


Thinking, Getting & Staying Competitive: A Public Sector Handbook
This handbook covers common traps that lead public utilities into non-competitiveness; steps for improving competitiveness; keys to staying competitive; a model process for competitive change; and an analysis of financial opportunities for generating and using savings. Four case studies highlighting important lessons learned by public agencies as they went through the competitiveness process are included.
(146 pages; 1998) $40 each (Contact the National Office for multiple copy purchase pricing.) Order now.

Managed Competition: Developing & Responding to RFQs & RFPs

Proven approaches to conducting managed competitions for municipal services are highlighted in this publication. It prepares local decision makers to successfully participate in the process by reviewing pre-competition activities such as: organizing bidding and process management teams; final contract negotiations; and development of memorandums of understanding. Sample outline of a generalized RFP to operate and maintain municipal water and wastewater operations is also included.
(56 pages; 1997) $15 each; $10 each for 20 or more copies. Order 1-19 copies Order 20+ copies.

Evaluating Privatization: An AMSA Checklist

The checklist assists local elected officials, environmental managers and other water quality decision makers in addressing whether to privatize all or part of a water pollution control facility. The checklist examines POTWs as community assets, not simply financial assets, and focuses attention on all dimensions of effective, efficient wastewater utility service.
(47 pages; 1996)
$20 each - Order one.


Wastewater Industry Stats

2002 AMSA Financial Survey
The 2002 AMSA Financial Survey chronicles national public wastewater utility trends. Financial management, rate structures, public agency staffing, salary and benefit information receive comprehensive examination in this triennial publication. The 2002 Survey is being offered on CD-ROM for the first time! (323 pages; 2003) $50 each for members; $75 each for non-members. Order now.

The 2002 AMSA Index
This handy tool measures year-to-year percentage changes in residential sewer service charges over a 10-year period and compares them to the rate of inflation. The Index is based on responses from AMSA member agencies in each EPA region.
(2 pages; 2001) Free for members. Download now.

The 1999 AMSA Financial Survey — A National Survey of Municipal Wastewater Management Financing & Trends
This useful resource chronicles national trends in water pollution control financing. Both financial management and rate structures receive comprehensive examination in this triennial publication and the 1999 Survey, for the first time, examines public agency staffing, salary and benefit information.
(300 pages; 2000) $45 each for members; $65 each for non-members. Order now.


Issues Advocacy

Why Not Water? Investing in the Nation’s Clean Water Future
Why Not Water? discusses the water infrastructure needs in our country and the enormous expenses municipalities face to guarantee this infrastructure for future generations. The publication makes the point that our nation’s water infrastructure funding deserves similar congressional support to highway and aviation infrastructure, both of which have received federal trust funds, begging the question – if it is important enough for highways and airports, then Why Not Water?
(6 pages; May 2003; 2,299K) Free. Download now.


CSO Communities Communities at Work . . . The National Response to Combined Sewer Overflows
The Communities at Work . . . The National Response to Combined Sewer Overflows Report can be downloaded at
(24 pages; 2002; 523K) Free. Download now.







AMSA 2000/2001 Survey of Dioxin-Like Compounds in Biosolids: Statistical Analyses
(166 pages; 2001; 444K) Free. Download (only) now.

Water Infrastructure NOW:  Recommendations for Clean and Safe Water in the 21st Century (WINow)
The WINow report calls for a five-year, $57 billion federal investment in drinking water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure to replace aging pipes, upgrade treatment systems and continue to protect public health and the environment. The report also urges Congress to create a long-term, sustainable and reliable source of federal funding for clean and safe water. The WINow report can also be downloaded at
(18 pages; 2001; 524K) Free. Order now or Download now.

Evaluation of Domestic Sources of Mercury
(31 pages; 2000) Download only (Free).

Evaluating TMDLs... Protecting the Rights of POTWs
May 2000 Update
(44 pages, 2000)
Free Download.

Water Infrastructure Report — Clean & Safe Water for the 21st Century
(2000; Full Report) Download now.

Evaluating TMDLs. . . Protecting the Rights of POTWs
This groundbreaking publication is designed to assist POTWs in their response to the application of TMDLs under the EPA's water quality program. This useful guide provides POTWs with a concise outline of critical areas of the TMDL and water quality based effluent limits programs and contains a series of legal, scientific and policy arguments that POTWs can utilize in their efforts to ensure that TMDLs are appropriately implemented. The TMDL program continues to evolve, and this issues outline will be updated as the legislative, regulatory and legal landscape changes.
(96 pages; 1999)
Free Download.

Characterization of Radioactivity Sources at Wastewater Treatment Facilities: A Guidance Document for Pretreatment Coordinators & Biosolids Managers
(56 pages; 1999; 184K) Free. Download Now.

Clean Water. . . We’ve Got the Point. Now Let’s Get to the Nonpoint. . .

This publication outlines the causes of, and the issues surrounding, nonpoint source pollution. It also presents ten “Nonpoint Source Pollution Solutions,” which are steps that must be taken in order to attain the Clean Water Act’s goal – the physical, chemical and biological health of the nation’s waters.
(1999) Free. Order now or Download now.

The Cost of Clean. . . Meeting Water Quality Challenges in the New Millennium
Local governments’ clean water needs are highlighted in this easy-to-read report. POTWs can use this attractive report to reach out to local, state and federal elected officials to illustrate the need for increased federal clean water funding. Compelling graphics and illustrations support the narrative’s conclusions.
(6 pages; 1999; 1,300K) Free. Order now or Download now.


AMSA Newsletter / Year in Review

Clean Water News
Stay informed on emerging and evolving issues of interest to the water quality community with a subscription to AMSA’s monthly newsletter. Achievements of member agencies and the Association are also showcased in this useful, informative periodical. (11 issues) Yearly subscription - $250. Order now.

Year in Review

This annual publication tracks the evolution of critical Association legislative and regulatory initiatives, marking important milestones and quantifying benefits received by AMSA member agencies. Free. 1999's Year in Review is also available.
Order 2002-2003 YIR
Order 2001-2002 YIR
Order 2000 YIR.
Order 1999 YIR.