AMSA Legal Alert (Leg03-6)

To: Members & Affiliates, Legal Affairs Committee
From: National Office
Date: September 8, 2003
Subject: AMSA 2003 LAW SEMINAR
Reference: Legal Alert 03-6

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Attorney-Client Communication

Plan Now To Attend. . .

A Seminar for Public Agency Attorneys & Managers
November 5-7, 2003
Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne
Miami, Florida

2003 Law Seminar A “Must Attend” for Key Public Agency Staff
The Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) is pleased to present the 2003 Developments in Clean Water Law Seminar. The Law Seminar will take place at the Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne, in sunny Miami, Florida, November 5-7, 2003. Registration information and a preliminary Seminar agenda are attached for your information and review.

Law Seminar Offers Practical Advice on Cutting Edge Clean Water Issues
The annual AMSA Law Seminar is the premiere forum for public agency attorneys and managers to hear the latest from lawyers, engineers, and other agency leaders on key Clean Water Act (CWA) legal and policy developments. This year’s dynamic agenda features top presenters from across the country on some of the most relevant topics to publicly owned treatment works (POTW) professionals. The panels will include succinct “primer-style” overviews of key CWA issue areas for newer practitioners, as well as in-depth discussions on recent developments, strategies, and practical approaches for all. Topics on the agenda include all aspects of wet weather – sanitary sewer overflows, combined sewer overflows, storm water, and blending; total maximum daily loads; whole effluent toxicity; antibacksliding and antidegradation; enforcement; citizen suits; the Information Quality Act; and recent CWA cases.

The AMSA “Legal” Open
We will take advantage of the Seminar’s beautiful Florida location with a “best ball” golf tournament at the award winning Crandon Park Golf Course, Key Biscayne beginning at noon on November 4. Golf skill is accepted, but not required!

CLE Credits – Including Ethics – Available
Individuals attending the Law Seminar are eligible to receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits. AMSA is applying for CLE credit in California, Florida, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia. Attendees from other states should be able to receive CLE credit through reciprocity. The number of CLE credits awarded for attendance varies by state. Building on past favorable reviews, AMSA again is including a legal ethics session. CLE credit approval details will be posted on AMSA’s website.

Ensure Your Participation — Register Today!
Make plans now to attend this important conference by completing the attached registration form. Contact the Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne at 305/361-2021 to ensure the special AMSA conference rate of $175. Please keep the following deadlines in mind as you make your plans:

October 14, 2003   Hotel Reservation Deadline to Receive Conference Rate
October 23, 2003   Advance Law Seminar Registration Deadline

Watch your mail for the printed program and visit AMSA's web site for the latest conference information and online registration — Please don’t hesitate to contact AMSA’s National Office if you have any questions about the 2003 Developments in Clean Water Law Seminar, at 202/833 AMSA or

We look forward to seeing you in Miami!


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