Attachment E
Air Quality Committee
Ed Torres, Co-Chair
Prakasam Tata, Co-Chair
Sam Hadeed, Lead Staff
Report to the Board of Directors
July 1998
The following report sets forth issues and activities anticipated to be addressed through the Air Quality Committee over the next year:
- Participate in an extensive technical review of EPA’s proposed action on addressing MACT standards for POTWs which is scheduled for Federal Register notice in late Summer 1998.
- Provide AMSA representation on ICCR workgroups relating to the development of national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants and new source performance standards for boilers, internal combustion engines, combustion turbines, and waste gas flares scheduled for November 2000.
- Resubmit digester gas survey data from membership to assess emissions of hazardous air pollutants and criteria pollutants from a variety of combustion sources for AMSA negotiations under the Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking (ICCR) process for developing MACT standards for these devices by November 2000.
- Coordinate with the Incineration Workgroup the review regulatory development proposals by EPA under Section 129 Clean Air Act requirements for sewage sludge incineration facilities.
- Complete the development of a joint AMSA-EPA model risk management plan (RMP) implementation guidance for managing accidental releases of acutely toxic compounds from POTWs by summer 1998 for use in meeting compliance requirements under section 112(r)(7) of the Clean Air Act Amendments by June 1999. Sponsor a AMSA RMP workshop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 25-26, 1998 to facilitate member agency implementation requirements.
- Participate in AMSA Mercury Strategy Workgroup activities within the Regulatory Policy Committee to develop recommendations that address EPA proposed mercury strategy and its potential impact on POTW operations.
- Review and provide input on key legislative and regulatory developments relating to air quality issues affecting POTWs, including proposed revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and particulate matter.