Action Please By: August 31, 1998
To: Members & Affiliates From: National Office Date: July 30, 1998 Subject: REPORT TO THE MEMBERSHIP
1999 PRELIMINARY BUDGETReference: MU 98-12 Last year at about this time we reported to you on the 1997 Leadership Retreat, noting the following consensus positions that framed our discussions then. . .
We want to increase our clout/influence;
We want to maintain and improve upon our core competencies of legislative and regulatory lobbying;
We want AMSA to grow.
You will recall that with these statements as foundation, the leadership tackled issues including expanding AMSA’s membership, increasing emphasis on regional/state issues, responding effectively to technology/web site issues, and increasing emphasis on management and public information.
A year later we’ve streamlined our dues structure, eliminated the Associate Member category, implemented a membership development campaign and -- as a result -- increased our membership by fifteen agencies in the first six months of 1998. We have also held meetings focusing on regional issues, significantly improved our web site, continued our management offerings through the AMSA/AMWA Competitiveness Handbook and associated workshops, and will soon convene a special Public Affairs Seminar, Risky Business. . .Effectively Communicating Risk, Reality & Reform.
Board Adopts Revised Strategic Plan
In the months that preceded and followed our 1997 retreat, AMSA’s leaders – most notably the Association’s Planning & Bylaws Committee, continued a thoughtful, comprehensive review of AMSA’s Strategic Plan, Bylaws, and our Board Policies & Procedures. At the Association’s July 17, 1998 Leadership Retreat, Board members and committee leaders reviewed proposed revisions to AMSA’s Strategic Plan, a document that was last amended in 1994. AMSA’s Board of Directors met following the retreat and formally adopted the proposed revisions to the Strategic Plan. The newly adopted Strategic Plan will guide AMSA as the organization works to fully realize the consensus positions identified by the leadership last year.
A copy of AMSA’s Strategic Plan is contained in Attachment A. The Plan states AMSA’s mission, and the goals and objectives set forth to successfully achieve that mission. Consistent with the leadership’s direction, new goals and associated objectives addressing management, membership retention and recruitment and regional and state outreach have been added - - all in support of AMSA’s core competencies. AMSA’s Strategic Plan, through an associated Action Plan that is currently being finalized, establishes an aggressive program intended to position the Association to fully cement its role as the voice of the publicly-owned treatment works community in the legislative and regulatory arenas.
Preliminary 1999 Budgets Adopted
Board of Directors action at the July meeting also included adoption of preliminary Association budgets for the 1999 calendar year. The preliminary General Fund and Technical Action Fund budgets are provided in this Member Update as Attachment B and Attachment C, respectively. A consolidated summary of AMSA’s overall proposed budget for next year is provided in Attachment D. The proposed 1999 Preliminary General Fund Budget reflects $1,818,000 in income and $1,814,000 in expenses, resulting in net year-end revenues of $261,000.
Technical Action Fund Continues to Provide Benefits
Established three years ago to commemorate AMSA’s 25th Anniversary, the "stand alone" Technical Action Fund (TAF) strengthens the Association’s capability to implement its short and long-term regulatory and legislative objectives. The TAF provides dedicated funds to gather and analyze data, initiate litigation, and secure the services of consultants having expertise beyond that which the National Office can offer. These funds are dedicated to projects and activities that impact pending legislation and anticipated or proposed regulations and policy initiatives, as identified by the Association’s Special Committees.
In its three years of existence, AMSA’s Technical Action Fund (TAF) has provided nearly $550,000 in support of legislative, regulatory and legal initiatives. Calendar year 1998 TAF initiatives include, but are not limited to, extensive technical and policy work on air quality issues, development of the AMSA/AMWA Competitiveness Handbook, support of the National Biosolids Partnership, data collection and analysis for an AMSA/Water Environment Federation infrastructure needs study, a radionucleide risk assessment study of biosolids, development of a risk management plan guidance document, and government relations support of our efforts with regard to POTW liability under Superfund.
At the July 17, 1998 Board of Directors meeting TAF funds were committed to review revisions to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Water 8 emissions model, support development of a mercury strategy white paper, and to engage in amicus briefs addressing the to administrative appeals process and Superfund cleanup policy issues.
The funding level for the TAF is $150,000/year, provided through income set aside from membership dues. Whatever is not spent in one year is carried over to the next year for budget purposes. The proposed 1999 Technical Action Fund Budget projects $200,000 in income and $148,000 in expenses for next year. Technical Action Fund reserves at the end of the year are projected at $21,500.
AMSA Committees Set Agendas for the Future
In advance of the July Leadership Retreat, the Association’s Special Committees focus their sights on the future and set their agendas for the coming year. A complete set of committee reports outlining issues and activities anticipated to be addressed by AMSA’s Special Committees, is included under Attachment E. As noted in the previous section, committee initiatives at times require the support of AMSA’s Technical Action Fund. Recommendations for the funding of committee initiatives are reviewed by the Association’s Regulatory Policy Committee and subsequently recommended for Board of Directors consideration.
Human Resources Needs Identified/Supported in ‘99 Budget
In adopting the preliminary 1999 General Fund Budget, AMSA’s Board of Directors also approved recommendations contained in the first phase of a proposed strategic plan for future staffing requirements. AMSA’s human resources strategic plan charts a course to ensure AMSA’s success in achieving its overall mission. It represents an important first step in our efforts to coordinate planning goals with the human resources needs necessary to achieve them. AMSA’s Strategic Plan served as the foundation for the three-phase human resources plan. The plan will enable AMSA to carry out its mission via short and long-term objectives by:
Planning and allocating resources in the most cost effective way
Providing long-term promotional opportunities in-house
Capitalizing on presently under-utilized staff strengths
Strengthening human resources weaknesses
The initial phase of the plan has as its major goals:To accomplish these goals the initial phase of the plan adds two new staff members; a Manager, Marketing & Membership Development, and a Manager, Information Systems. It also calls for reorganization and revision of existing staff positions in such a manner as to provide a full-time Conference Manager and integrate legislative and regulatory programs into a new Government Affairs group.
- strengthening AMSA’s government affairs program;
- enhancing AMSA’s conference capability;
- developing a marketing capability;
- expanding databases and moving the web site in-house;
- increasing public information and outreach; and
- expanding overall staff capability.
It should be noted that the cost of the Information Systems Manager position will be largely offset by savings associated with bringing the AMSA web site in-house. The presence of the new Marketing &
Membership Development Manager will strengthen AMSA’s marketing capability, increase AMSA’s visibility and enhance and improve AMSA’s membership development/retention initiatives. The costs associated with this new position will also be offset through the generation of new members, publication sales and potential web advertising revenue. In addition to new staff, the Government Affairs group would house four full-time staff focusing both on regulatory and legislative issues.
Space Needs Considered by AMSA Leaders
AMSA’s lease on its current office space in Washington, DC expires in September 1999. Recognizing the need for additional space in the immediate future, the AMSA Board authorized staff last year to negotiate an extension of AMSA’s lease that would include additional adjacent space. Negotiations in this regard proceeded; however, it has become apparent that AMSA’s current location at 1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW, will not meet the Association’s future needs. At the July meeting, the Board of Directors reviewed a comparison of a lease option vs. a purchase option and encouraged the National Office staff to seriously pursue purchase opportunities with the goal of stabilizing and perhaps reducing AMSA’s overall expense for space. To fully accommodate AMSA’s needs over the next 5-10 years the 1999 budget reflects the leadership’s plans to stay at our current location for now and move to a new location next year.
Dues Increase Anticipated
In 1998 AMSA’s Board of Directors established a new streamlined dues structure. This change resulted in approximately one-half of the Association’s members paying decreased annual dues and one-half paying more dues. Net effect was a slight decrease in revenues for 1998. Like any organization, AMSA’s costs of doing business increase each year. In order to be fully responsive to needs identified by the membership in the 1996 Member Needs Assessment, and to effectively plan for AMSA’s future, the Board of Directors has given preliminary approval to a proposal to raise approximately $68,000 through a 5% dues increase in 1999.
In Summary. . .
These are exciting times for AMSA! As we approach the new millennium and the Association’s 30th anniversary we continue our focus on the legislative and regulatory arenas. Through leadership and member support we have also been in the position to commit time and resources to address the challenging management issues faced by our membership.
As we have looked to the future, AMSA’s leadership invested considerable time and expertise as they reviewed, recommended, and, most recently, approved changes to the Association’s Strategic Plan. The National Office staff is putting the finishing touches on an Action Plan that delineates the programs, projects and activities that would enable AMSA to achieve its goals, objectives, and overall mission. As a parallel process we have conducted a detailed review of ongoing and anticipated initiatives and their impact on AMSA’s human resources needs, and space requirements. AMSA’s Board of Directors believes that the recommendations contained in this Member Update will strengthen and support the Association’s core competencies and ensure that AMSA maintains the resources necessary to accomplish its goals and maintain its leadership position as we move into the next century.
Member Comment Invited
The Board of Directors encourages all members to review the 1998 Preliminary Budgets for both the General Fund and the Technical Action Fund. Please direct any comments you may have to Bill Pugh, AMSA’s Treasurer and Chair of the Association’s Budget & Audit Committee at 253/591-5525, AMSA’s Executive Director Ken Kirk at 202/833-4653, or the member(s) representing your region on AMSA’s Board of Directors
The Board of Directors and committee leadership will meet in Washington, DC on September 24-25, 1998 for the Association’s Fall Leadership Meetings. The Board will adopt a final 1999 budget at that time. Please provide your comments and recommendations prior to Monday, August 31, 1998. Many thanks for your continuing participation and support.
Attachment A -AMSA’s Strategic Plan
Attachment B - Proposed 1999 General Fund Budget
Attachment C - Proposed 1999 Technical Action Fund Budget
Attachment D - Consolidated Budget Summary
Attachment E - AMSA’s Special Committee Reports: