Attachment E
Biosolids Management Committee
Robert Dominak, Co-Chair
Ray Kearney, Co-Chair
Sam Hadeed, Lead Staff
Robert Dominak, Chair, Incineration Workgroup
Report to the Board of Directors
July 1998
The following report sets forth issues and activities anticipated to be addressed through the Biosolids Management Committee over the next year:
- Actively participate in the newly created National Biosolids Partnership with U.S. EPA, Water Environment Federation, and various stakeholder groups to promote public acceptance of beneficial use of biosolids. Develop an industry Code of Management Practices that would include a voluntary comprehensive environmental management system with third party oversight to promote public acceptance of biosolids. Actively pursue $1 million legislative appropriation in EPA’s 1999 budget to support Partnership efforts to develop a Code of Management Practices.
- Through the Incineration Workgroup, address the Association’s technical, legal, and policy concerns with proposed EPA regulatory actions that would subject incineration facilities to Section 129 Clean Air Act requirements. Continue to monitor and address Part 503 sewage sludge implementation and policy issues affecting AMSA member agencies that have incineration facilities and coordinate relevant Clean Air Act issues with the Air Quality Committee.
- Actively participate as municipal member of the Sewage Subcommittee of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) in collaborative efforts with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and EPA to assess POTW data on radionuclide content in biosolids from releases of NRC licensees into sanitary sewer systems, review of NRC guidance document on radioactive materials at POTWs, and any requirements that may be imposed on biosolids management programs.
- Continue active technical and regulatory review of various EPA guidance and policies of relevance to AMSA's biosolids management activities such as Phase 2 amendments to the Round 1 Part 503 rule and Round of the 503 rule.
- Participate in activities related to review of EPA's "Dioxin Inventory Report" and "Dioxin Risk Assessment Report" for its policy implications on biosolids management practices.
- Participate in AMSA Mercury Strategy Workgroup activities through the Regulatory Policy Committee to develop recommendations to address EPA proposed mercury strategy and its potential impact on POTW operations.
- Review biosolids management issues relating to Clean Water Act and Resource Conservation & Recovery Act reauthorizations, interstate transportation issues, food labeling issues relating to biosolids application, national organics rule, and other legislative proposals.