Attachment E
Wet Weather Issues Committee
Ray Orvin, Jr, Chair
Jim Murray, Vice Chair
Ray Orvin, Chair Stormwater Workgroup
Buddy Morgan, Chair, SSO Workgroup
Mark Hoeke, Lead Staff
Report to the Board of Directors
July 1998
The following report sets forth issues and activities anticipated to be addressed through the Wet Weather Issues Committee over the next year:
- Continue prominent role in EPA's Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Subcommittee, and lead role among municipal organizations in the development of a national SSO policy.
- Actively seek changes to NPDES permit regulations which:
- establish SSO control requirements which meet technology-based and water quality-based requirements of the Clean Water Act;
- provide liability relief for unavoidable SSOs;
- allow for flexibility in SSO remediation options, including those options which provide for less than secondary treatment of wet weather flows;
- establish a program to regulate satellite collection systems; and,
- allow SSOs to be managed in an integrated manner with other urban wet weather flows.
- establish SSO control requirements which meet technology-based and water quality-based requirements of the Clean Water Act;
- Support and promote efforts which clarify that numeric effluent limitations are not appropriate for municipal stormwater permits.
- Assist EPA in the development of stormwater regulation fact sheets, guidance, menu of best management practices, and other "tool box" items designed to simplify implementation of EPA's forthcoming final Phase II stormwater regulations.
- Advance watershed management and wet weather water quality standards concepts in national policy discussions.
- Actively lobby for legislative support of the National Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy, sanitary sewer overflow policy development, non-numeric effluent limitations for municipal stormwater permits, enforceable requirements on non-point sources of pollution, and increased funding for infrastructure through reauthorization of the Clean Water Act.
- Assess EPA's activities in the development of quantitative assessments for stormwater controls or management practices (BMP effectiveness and stormwater effluent guidelines).