NACWA Member Update (MU07-12)

To: Members & Affiliates, Utility Management Committee
From: National Office
Date: June 29, 2007


Reference: MU 07-12

Action Please By:
July 13, 2007

NACWA is asking its public agency members to review and complete the attached questionnaire regarding mid-level management training needs. NACWA and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) are conducting an evaluation of current training offerings. The enclosed questionnaire will help the project consultant identify training needs and gaps in current training programs. The questionnaire targets mid-level managers, which for the purposes of this effort are defined as those individuals who are responsible for managing the day-to-day operational procedures and details of a department or division with an emphasis on dealing directly with technical staff and operators who do not have any management responsibilities. NACWA asks that you consider having one or more of your mid-level managers complete the questionnaire. Contact Chris Hornback, NACWA at 202/833-9106 or with any questions or problems.

Please email or fax completed questionnaires to NACWA’s Contractor, Red Oak Consulting, at or fax 703-351-1305 (attention Erika Janifer) by July 13, 2007.

Mid-Level Manager Training Needs
When the Water & Wastewater Leadership Center at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill was first conceived for the training of senior utility managers a potential training program for mid-level utility managers was also considered. The emphasis at the time was placed on top utility leaders and further consideration of mid-level management training was deferred until the Leadership Center program was fully developed and successful. Today, with the Leadership Center a resounding success, NACWA and WEF are exploring the concept of mid-level management training in greater depth.

NACWA and WEF have been working with a consultant to explore and document the universe of existing training offerings that may be relevant for mid-level managers at wastewater utilities. In addition, the project team is trying to better characterize the need at utilities for mid-level manager training. The attached questionnaire will help NACWA and WEF identify whether a new training program should be developed or whether current offerings are sufficient.

Questionnaire to Help Outline Need for Additional Training Offerings
The attached electronic questionnaire has been designed to capture the opinions of your mid-level managers regarding the availability, quality, format and topics of training for their current position. Also included are questions to assess the training needs of your mid-level managers and how NACWA and WEF may want to address them. The questionnaire should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

The electronic version of the questionnaire includes automatic checkbox responses and pull-down menus to make completing the survey as easy as possible, but you may also print out and fax your responses.

Again, please email completed questionnaires directly to Erika Janifer, the project consultant, at or fax responses to 703-351-1305 (attention Erika Janifer) by July 13, 2007.

